Lilit D’Elia ‘s extensive digital and international experience is characterised by intrapreneurship, thanks to having played an active role in the development of businesses that have had as their cornerstone the creation of internationally renowned digital communities such as: Westwing, Ironhack and Mr. Wonderful, among others.

After more than a decade characterised by intrapreneurship, Brhands is born which is to undertake to contribute side by side and bump by bump with its clients. As many believe, a relationship based on commitment to the team and the result that has nothing to envy to the in-company format.

Interesting Projects


Agroalimentario | CAT and ES | Institutional | Rebranding, Consultancy, Mentoring and PR

Rebranding of the brand image

Strategy and management of internal communication with its partners, specifically the redesign of newsletters and CRM.

Strategy and management of institutional communication with the main public and private social agents such as: CEOE, Foment del Treball Nacional, Conselleria d’Acció Climàtica de la Generalitat, AECOC, Interporc, ICEX, IRTA, Red Cross, etc.

Strategy and management of media relations: more than 70 mentions in Spanish, Catalan, general, economic and sectorial media.

Selection and mentoring of the current head of communication

Key actions:

– The Federation’s response to Minister Garzón’s statement.

– The business charity event in collaboration with Col-legi D’Economistes de Catalunya, Foment del Treball Nacional in favour of the Red Cross focused on reflecting on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the agri-food sector.

– Alimentaria 2022 – Intercan pavilion with the participation of 20 associated companies (Noel, La Selva, Vall Companys, etc.).

– General Assembly of CLITRAVI held in Barcelona where Michael Schara, former president of FECIC, won the elections for the presidency of the European institution.

– First National Alternative Protein Forum

– Communication campaign for Josep Solà’s presidency.

– Editorial collaboration with the magazine Cárnica (monthly).

– Communication of the creation of Agrupació d’Innovació Laboral de les Empreses Càrnies (AILEC) in collaboration with Cuatrecasas.

Lilit me ayudó durante 9 meses a formarme en temas de comunicación, tanto interna como externa, y supervisó todos los proyectos y campañas que llevaba a cabo para la Federación Empresarial de Carnes e Industrias Cárnicas (FECIC).

Durante el desarrollo de mi formación a partir de varias sesiones semanales de mentoring, pude fomentar muchas competencias de dirección de comunicación, como fue la gestión de proyectos, generación de nuevas ideas creativas y la capacidad de liderazgo de un equipo, además de una formación a nivel personal y gestión de las emociones.

Sus sesiones de mentoring, a partir de Brhands, combinaban idóneamente aspectos de mejora y crecimiento dentro de mi puesto de trabajo actual y técnicas de comunicación útiles para el sector publicitario, mediante el uso de teorías y metodologías de autores famosos dentro del propio sector comunicativo.

Tanto Brhands como Lilit son capaces realmente de impulsar tu negocio, mejorar diversas habilidades personales y ayudarte a crecer como profesional de un sector específico.

Jordi Martí

Responsable de Comunicación, FECIC


Venture builder | ES and ENG | Innovation and tech | Rebranding, consultancy and PR

Creative rebranding in collaboration with the Mutter Lab

Internal and external communication strategy

Accompaniment and mentoring in the employer branding strategy

Key actions:

– Creation of the value proposition: Creating Sustainable Investments

– Support in the creation of their new website

– Pitchdeck strategy for each of its investees

– Public relations action: “Mutter Ventures raises 6 million euros and heads for IPO”.

Dedicación, compromiso, liderazgo y profesionalidad. Lilit nos ha ayudado a afrontar retos y salir de nuestra zona de confort. Sin duda una profesional con la que no duraríamos de volver a emprender cualquier aventura juntos.

Christian Rodríguez

Chairman, Mutter Ventures


Edtech | ENG and ES | Startup | Branding and Consulting – Marketing and Communication Mentoring

28 August 2020, Álvaro Moya contacts me to make his dream come true and the dream of many: Better tech leaders for a better world.

On 13 November 2020: we launch the See you inside video manifesto with the best casting of CTOs in Europe.

It has been a pleasure to create and lead ambidextrously the branding, marketing and communication strategy for a brand with digital and social value such as Lidr.

Internal and external communication strategy

Key actions:

– Definition of Lidr’s branding and philosophy.

– The first edition of the CTO week

– Launch of the first edition of Ignite

– Mentoring of Lidr’s current Project Manager in the area of communication, branding, social media and digital marketing.

En mis primeros pasos tuve la suerte de poder contar con Lilit. Fue la persona que me ayudó a levantarlo. Si tuviera que destacar algo sería: el compromiso que tiene con el proyecto. Ella sólo trabaja con proyectos de los que se enamora que los hace suyos y en ningún momento sientes que sea un proyecto en el que está trabajando como consultora. Sobre todo entrega, tiene muy claros unos objetivos y dedica cuerpo y alma 120% a que eso suceda.
Álvaro Moya

Founder, - the CTO training y LinkedIn Top Voice


E-commerce | EN | SME | Branding and Marketing & Communication Consulting & Mentoring

Development of rebranding to increase the conversion of the brand’s online sales.

Key actions:

– Definition of the new brand image.

– Activation and strategic and visual guidelines for the Instagram channel.

– Accompaniment in the marketing strategy to activate the Amazon digital sales channel.

– Mentoring related to rebranding, communication and digital marketing.

Hemos empezado hace poco nuestra andadura en redes sociales y venta B2C y la consultaría realizada con Brhands nos ayudó mucho a entender qué comunicar y cómo de forma diferencial. Lilit es una persona siempre dispuesta a compartir sus conocimientos de marketing onlie y visión transgresora, siempre intentando tener una visión global de negocio.

Bárbara Muñoz

Product Manager, Ambicar


Hospitality and Edtech | ES and CAT | Branding, Marketing and Communication Consulting and Mentoring.

Elaboration of the social brading, marketing, communication and commercial strategy.

Key actions:

– Definition of storytelling at global level: web, LinkedIn and Instagram.

– Commercial brochure according to vertical: catering, restaurants, etc.

– Public relations action following statements by José Luis Yzuel

– Mentoring related to branding, communication, digital marketing, commercial strategy and also accompaniment in the impact in terms of operations.

– Support in the selection of consultants to define the competence framework of this EdTech project.

Trabajar con Lilit es una experiencia transformadora. Su profundo conocimiento y pasión por la materia de comunicación y marketing son evidentes en cada interacción. Me brinda orientación valiosa y es una fuente constante de inspiración. Gracias a su guía experta, he logrado alcanzar metas que nunca me hubiese imaginado. Recomiendo encarecidamente sus servicios a cualquiera que busque un mentor excepcional en el campo de la comunicación y marketing.

Eduardo Feliu

Co-fouder, Waitser


Real Estate | ES and CAT | Institutional | Corporate Communication Consultancy

The Real Estate Cluster is a transversal, cooperative and non-profit instrument that aims to integrate the companies that make up the entire value chain of the real estate sector. Thanks to Ignacio Feliu’s trust, I was a formidable partner – as recognised by the members of the CSIM board of directors – in choosing the communications agency in November 2020. At that time, Brhands was at MVP and could not take on the executive challenge, but he could add value in the management of the agency’s selection process, and we worked together.